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Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinator Program

Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinator Program

A Program committed to helping younger people to get the care and support they need to live in a home that is right for their age.

Recent News Update for Referrers and Single Assessment Providers.

Ability First Australia’s Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinator Program (YPIRAC) is a nationally funded program.

The Program is designed to reduce the number of younger people at risk of entering and living in residential aged care. It aims to give younger people greater choice and control over where they live and what supports they need to either transition out of, or avoid entering, residential aged care.

Regionally based teams of Systems Coordinators (SCs) will be working in all states and territories to assist younger people access appropriate services and supports across the disability, health, housing, and aged care sectors.

Working collaboratively with other government and non-government organisations it will help identify and provide important information to address the barriers faced by younger people and their families. A research project is being undertaken to explore more fully the barriers and enablers and how they could be addressed across the health, aged care, disability and housing sectors. The research also investigates the impact of the YPIRAC System Coordinator Program.

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To make an enquiry/or a referral to the Program please contact Ability First Australia on 1800 771 663 between 8:00 am to 6:00 pm AEST.

For more general information about the Program you can call one of our Regional Managers:

NSW/QLD/Territories Linda Ferguson

[email protected] | 0410 335 184

VIC/TAS Steve Lowe

[email protected] | 0419 180 102

WA/SA Isabelle Currie

[email protected] | 0407 241 187

Or Director, Program Deborah Hoffman

[email protected] | 0474 359 868

If you wish to provide us with feedback, please complete our online form below. Our Feedback Policy can be downloaded here.

Your Feedback Is Important To Us

The YPIRAC System Coordinator Program is here to help, and we value your feedback about the quality of our service and the experience you have with the program. We want to hear from you – about things we have done well, and also about how we might improve.

Please use the form below to provide your feedback.

  • To protect your privacy, please don’t include any sensitive information about your health on this form. If you wish to provide such information as part of your feedback, please call us on 1800 771 663.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our experienced team of Systems Coordinators are here to help you explore your options for living arrangements and age-appropriate support.

While our program does not fund services directly, we work collaboratively with you to connect you with service providers funded to meet your needs.

Whether you’re in residential aged care or discharging from a hospital, we can assist in finding alternatives to aged care services, helping you make informed decisions about your living situation.

I am currently living in or being considered for Residential Aged Care and under 65

I am currently in hospital and under 65

I am living in the community and under 65

I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and/or homeless and at least 50

I am a current NDIS participant

Program eligibility and processes

More Information

Find out more about Ability First Australia’s Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinator Program. 

Download your free information .PDF below:

Information For Younger People In Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC)

Information For Younger People At Risk Of Entering Residential Aged Care (YPAR)

Our Latest Newsletters

Stay up-to-date with the latest news from Ability First Australia’s Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinator Program. 

View past editions of our newsletter online below:


Find out more about Ability First Australia’s Younger People involvement in research.

Research Project Results and Findings (December 2024)

Research Project Results and Findings (January 2023)

Perspectives of Australian professionals who support younger people in residential aged care without access to individualised funding (September 2024)

That grey area where no one can help: The experience of younger people avoiding or leaving residential aged care who are not NDIS participants (November 2024)

Have your say about young people living in aged care 

Survey via Summer Foundation