Ability First Australia Community Housing Ltd is wholly owned, managed, and governed by Ability First.
The Fund is Australia’s first 100% not for profit housing fund designed to acquire and lease qualifying properties to people living with disability. Every surplus dollar will be reinvested back into the sector through service delivery and/or additional property investment.
With a strong social focus at its core, the Fund operates through acquiring existing special disability accommodation and developing new, high quality residences that people living with disability, particularly those with complex needs, can regard as ‘their home’ and receive all their required day-to-day supports.
The Fund aims to provide security of tenure to people living with disability, empowering them to have greater choice and control about where they live. It also aligns well with the NDIS and its objective to mobilize investment from the private sector into housing.
For more information on the Community Housing Fund, contact [email protected]
ABN: 80 641 557 897